Version 1.4.9999 04/10/2018 (Required SDKs FAQ)

Headline Changes Since 1804

Headline Bugs Fixed Since 1804

Massive thanks from all of us at YoYo Games to you for using GameMaker: Studio 1!

Version 1.4.1804 13/03/2018

Changes Since 1788

Bugs Fixed Since 1788

Download links for versions older than 1.4.1804 have been removed from this page, and super-old versions have now been removed completely

Version 1.4.1788 08/02/2018

Changes Since 1773

Headline Bugs Fixed Since 1773

Version 1.4.1773 14/09/2017

Only Change Since 1772

Bug Fixed Since 1772

Version 1.4.1772 26/07/2017

If you are coming from 1763/1765, this will be a huge update - see 1767's notes below also!

Headline Changes Since 1767

Bugs Fixed Since 1767

Version 1.4.1767 10/07/2017

This is a very big update! Please read all of this release's notes carefully!

Headline Changes Since 1.4.1763 (aka 1765 on Steam)

Bugs Fixed Since EA551

Version 1.4.1763 06/10/2016

Changes since 1760

Bugs Fixed Since 1760

Version 1.4.1760 30/08/2016

This is a very big update! Please read all of this release's notes carefully!

Changes since 1757

Bugs fixed since 1757

Version 1.4.1757 13/04/2016

Changes since 1749

Bugs fixed since 1749

Please be aware we do not advise using versions this old! We would strongly recommend you only use the final release (download link is right at the top of this page).